Teeth Whitening-Is it safe for the teeth and gums? How much it may cost? Any contraindications? Any side effects after it? Is it safe to do it on your own or it is better to get it done under the dentist supervision.
Every day more and more patients of Aurora Yonge Dental Centre are asking our dentists about the teeth whitening.
Let start with the reasons why the teeth might become yellow or stained.
# 1- is using tobacco.
#2- is drinking too much of dark-colored liquids such as coffee, cola, tea and red wine.
#3- is not appropriate oral hygiene.
The other reasons for the teeth be stained : exposure to too much fluoride as a child while in the process of teeth developing, use of tetracycline antibiotics by a mother during the second half of pregnancy or by a child six years or younger. The trauma to the tooth may also darken a tooth.
As we advising our patients at Aurora Yonge Dental, generally there are too different approaches to the teeth whitening: home teeth whitening and in office teeth whitening.
Home teeth whitening: when the patients can make over the counter purchase of any whitening material or the strips or get the same, but more concentrate, aggressive material from his dentist to use at home.
Home teeth whitening divided on day whitening and nigh whitening.
Day whitening is when the patient is doing the whitening once-twice a day usually between 30 and 60 min.
Night whitening is when the patient is using the whitening agent overnight.
In office teeth whitening: when the whitening is happening in the dental office and supervised by the dentist.
It is also divided by whitening with self-activated gel whitening products and the whitening which requires the special LED light as activator.
At Aurora Yonge Dental our dentists are making the decision based on the patient needs for choosing the more beneficial system for each individual case.
To be continued…

Teeth Whitening
Call us to schedule your consultation at (905)-900-0337
Thank you,
Aurora Yonge Dental
15140 Yonge St., Unit 1
Aurora, ON, L4G 1M2
Tel. 905-900-0337