Procedure of the wisdom teeth removal:
It could be three different scenarios for the wisdom teeth.
They might be fully erupted, partly impacted and completely impacted.

Also it depends on the person some people having all four of them, some three or two or one and one and some none.
In most cases all four of them present.
Before the procedure of the removal we recommend at Aurora Yonge Dental Centre first to take the panoramic digital x-ray.
On this x-ray our doctors at Aurora Yonge Dental Centre can see the exact locations of the wisdom teeth to be removed and the locations of the important anatomical structures might be affected during the extraction procedure such as mandibular nerve and maxillary tuberosity.
Mandibular wisdom teeth in most cases considered are more difficult to extract then maxillary ones.
In case when the roots of the lower wisdom teeth might be embedded into mandibular nerve canal our doctors at Aurora Yonge Dental recommending to take an additional 3D x-ray- CBCT Scan in order to try to avoid mandibular nerve damage during the surgery.
In case when all four wisdom teeth are present our doctors giving the patient the choice before the surgery.
At Aurora Yonge Dental Centre we recommending to take at least two teeth at the same surgical appointment-one upper and one lower at the same side or all four of them at the same time. The procedure performed under local anesthesia. Post operative instructions are given, pain killers and in some cases antibiotics are prescribed.
Depend on the level of difficulty the procedure of the removal of one wisdom tooth could take from 20-30 min up to 45 min- I hour per tooth in most difficult cases.
The follow up appointment scheduled in one week from surgical appointment to remove the sutures and make sure that healing process is going well.
Complete recovery period might take from one up to two weeks but pain after the wisdom teeth extraction is usually present for the period of no more then 2-3 days.

display four wisdom teeth over x-ray
If you have any questions or to book the consultation appointment call us at Aurora Yonge Dental Centre and we will be happy to help you.
Tel: 905-900-0337
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