How to Relieve a Toothache
If you’re suffering from a toothache, contact your dentist, Aurora Yonge Dental Center, as soon as possible – your tooth may be abscessed and require emergency dental care. Come in to Aurora Yonge Dental Center to avoid complications such as surgery or a tooth extraction if you experience any type of toothache.
The good news is, there are some tried and true toothache pain relief methods and here they are, brought to you by the caring team of oral health care experts at Aurora Yonge Dental Center, your dentist.
Cold Compress
Applying a cold compress to your jaw should alleviate a toothache. The cold reduces blood flow to the site and therefore reduces swelling and pain. Apply a cold compress as often as necessary until the pain subsides.
Pain Medication
Pain medication can help relieve a toothache but be sure not to exceed the recommended dose. Pain relievers such as aspirin and Advil typically contain anti-inflammatory medicine which can reduce the pain and swelling associated with a toothache.
Warm Salt Water and Baking Soda
Salt and Baking Soda combine to make an excellent anti-bacterial mouth-rise that can help reduce the amount of bacteria in your mouth and potentially reduce the swelling and pain that stems from a toothache.
Clove Oil and Garlic
Pure clove oil, available in most drugstores, can act as a numbing agent if applied directly to the tooth. Don’t apply to the gums or apply too much as clove oil can be poisonous in too-high quantities. If you don’t want to use clove oil, a clove of garlic is an excellent substitute – simply hold it against the tooth for a few minutes and rinse with warm water afterward.
Teabag Therapy
Teas such as black and green teas are high in tannins, which are known to reduce swelling and help your blood to clot and therefore improve healing. Microwave the teabag in a small dish filled with water for about 30 seconds or until warm, squeeze the excess water and bite down on the teabag, holding it against your tooth/gum.
However, remember that any toothache is a bad toothache so contact your dentist, Aurora Yonge Dental Center, for an appointment as soon as possible.
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