How often should I go to my dentist for a teeth cleaning, check up and recall exam?
How often should I go to my dentist for a teeth cleaning, check up and recall exam?
How often should I come to my dentist for a teeth cleaning and recall exam? This question that our patients frequently asking us at Aurora Yonge Dental Centre.
There is no short answer for this question. Only your dentist can determine the frequency for your routine dental examinations and cleanings according to your individual needs. Couple of factors should be considered for adults as good as for the kids.
Most important one is the quality of the oral hygiene the one can maintain at home during teeth brushing. Another is the potential caries risk.
Do not forget that dental exam is the most important tool screening tool. During this exam your dentist at Aurora Yonge Dental Centre can diagnose the dental problems such as cavities at their beginning stage to help prevent them to progress to the mature stage with the possibility of the pulp involvement and potential root canal treatment in the tooth. During recall appointment we also doing oral cancer screening, TMJ problem evaluation, misaligned teeth detection and gum disease assessment for each patient.
Another important aspect of the dental recall exam is the radiographic exam, or the x-rays. At Aurora Yonge Dental Centre we take as few dental x-rays as necessary to ensure that we don’t miss any potential problem.
The frequency for the routine dental x-rays also determined on individual basis but usually is once in every 6 or 12 months.
Teeth cleaning needs to be done regularly to remove the plaque and tartar from the teeth and to lower the overall presence of bacteria in your mouth. This bacteria can lead to cavities, bleeding gums and gum disease called periodontitis.